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LD Safety Gmbh at the coworking space in Basel

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Striving to reduce the number of work-related accidents and illnesses in Switzerland one client at a time: Welcoming our new Member LD Safety GmbH to our Westhive community in Basel.

Who is LD Saftey GmbH?

LD Safety, led by Laura Dorman, has been specializing in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) since 2011. After working in Germany and Switzerland, I founded LD Safety to address the misuse and misrepresentation of PPE during the 2020 Corona crisis. My goal is to educate companies and employees on the correct use of PPE and ensure quality.

What does LD Saftey GmbH offer?

LD Safety helps companies improve their safety culture. We provide training on the proper use of PPE, including donning, doffing, and maintenance. We also offer PPE concepts and PPE documentation management.

Our aim is to contribute to reducing the number of work-related accidents and illnesses in Switzerland.

Laura Dorman

Why did you choose Westhive Basel Rosental?

Moving into a co-working space was the next step for us. We visited Westhive and were immediately impressed by the creative atmosphere and friendly environment. We have the opportunity to offer training sessions here in the building.


Are you interested in our coworking space in Basel and would like to become a part of the Westhive community as well? Then check out our location and see for yourself.